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Jan 06, 2017 @ 00:33:54
Hi, I’d just like to say how enjoyable it was to learn about your fathers incredible journey. The photos were captivating and inspired me to create a hand drawn tribute with various aspects. Thankyou for sharing this story.
Declan, Wales, UK
May 22, 2019 @ 13:29:25
Very interesting information on this site about the experience of POWs from the 2/19th battalion including, of course, your dad. Well done on putting it together. I wonder if you would mind to send me an email separate from a public discussion since my interest is not only in these incredible stories (very moving, very well told and well-documented here) but in that bloke who was described as “the best officer ever to pull boots on”, Reggie Newton.
May 28, 2019 @ 21:33:58
Thank you Chris… Reg Newton saved the lives of the men under his command during those terrible years.